5 Cat Rescue Stories That Will Move You to Tears

Every cat deserves happiness. But, unfortunately, some of them end up on the street, get seriously ill and begin to be afraid of a person. The good news is that one day many of them do fall into caring hands. We share touching stories of saving cats from the Murkosha shelter .

Skif’s eyeless cat

MurkoshaMurkosha source: Unsplash

Up to a year, Skifa lived on the street, and then a compassionate grandmother found her and brought her home. And in this house already lived about 30 pets! Many were malnourished and sick. Soon Skiff also became infected – a severe infection struck her eyes. The animal had to remove the eye, and a month later another one. So a very young cat became disabled and ended up in the Murkosha shelter.

She never saw Skiff, but she always held out her paws to people when they approached her cage. And once the cat was lucky.

MurkoshaMurkosha (source: Unsplash)

A man came to the shelter without the purpose of taking someone away, but when he saw Skif, he experienced something special. Soon he took the cat from the shelter. Now the Scythian is a playful and happy animal. She loves spending time with Oman, a cat who already lived with the owner and his wife. And the Scythians have complete mutual understanding with the owners. Blindness does not prevent you from enjoying life!

Loser cat named Munchausen

MurkoshaMurkosha source: Unsplash

Munchausen was born in a cold basement, but an adult cat kicked him out of there too. The kid had to live under a garbage can near the house. Locals often saw the cat freeze in the snow, and one day they realized that the animal would not survive the winter. So Munchausen ended up in Murkosh.

It was almost impossible to approach him, even for veterinarians. Months and years passed – Munchausen was getting better, only his character remained impregnable. Pets came to the shelter, left for new homes, but no one took this cat. But one day love and care did their job.

MurkoshaMurkosha source: Unsplash

Munchausen began to communicate with people little by little – his heart finally thawed! Now the pet is adapting to life with the owner. He is no longer afraid to seem like an affectionate cat, because no one will offend him anymore.

Beauty Musya, who was betrayed by the owners

MurkoshaMurkosha source: Unsplash

Musya, frightened and weakened, was found in the stairwell. Once it was a cat with luxurious white fur and expressive amber eyes, but now… The animal needed urgent help. Musya was brought to Murkosha, and new problems opened up there.

It turned out that Musya had owners for nine whole years, but they left her because of the move.
It is not surprising that in the shelter, the cat, dumbfounded by betrayal, did not let anyone near her and completely refused to eat. To prevent the animal from dying, a special stoma had to be made to give her food and antidepressants.

MurkoshaMurkosha source: Unsplash

Not immediately, but the cat began to get better. Over time, she stopped being afraid of people, began to eat and turned into a snow-white beauty. And soon a new mistress came for Musya. Now neither Musya nor her new mother even remembers the old owners – they rejoice in the present.

Cat Manyunik with an eternally sad look

MurkoshaMurkosha (source: Unsplash)

Manyunik was found on the territory of the sanatorium. But the cat did not look rested at all – weak, thin, dirty and with matted hair. And the look of the animal was especially tragic. It was not immediately possible to understand whether the pet was alive or not. The emaciated cat was brought to “Murkosha” and began to nurse.

MurkoshaMurkosha (source: Unsplash)

Over time, Manyunik became a real handsome man, he even started working in a shelter – only the expression on his face remained sad . It seemed that the fact is that the pet is not taken away in any way. And one day they came for a cat! Now he lives with a caring girl and feels great, and the sad expression on his face turned out to be just a feature of his appearance.

Miranda who beat cancer

MurkoshaMurkosha (source: Unsplash)

Miranda found herself on the street unexpectedly – she was simply kicked out of the house.
The shocked and helpless cat tried to adapt to life on the street, but it turned out with difficulty. In addition, constantly, in addition to longing for the owners, she was haunted by pain in her ears. In one of the basements, Miranda was found by caring people, and then taken to Murkosha. It turned out that otitis media and something else, more terrible, were hidden behind the pain. A malignant tumor was found in the ear.

MurkoshaMurkosha (source: Unsplash)

Miranda decided to have surgery and chemotherapy. Despite the distrust of people and the difficult emotional state, the animal withstood these tests with dignity. And not in vain – gradually Miranda began to recover and show interest in people. And one day a woman came up to her cage … So Miranda found a new home – now she is happy and completely healthy.

Source credit: https://pets.mail.ru/stories/

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