8 animals possessing terrifying “superpowers” that humans covet: Immortality, seeing the near future

The ability to immortalize, transform, and run on water seems to be found only in sci-fi movies or swordplay, but in the animal world, some strange species can completely do things. there.

1. The ability to predict the future accurately

Sometimes we can feel that something bad is about to happen, however this judgment is due to memory function and memories related to past events.

Unlike that, in some animals the ability to sense danger before it happens is a natural part of it.

After observing the migration of yellow-winged warbler from South Africa to the US, a team of researchers have come to the conclusion that this bird has the ability to predict a big storm will hit their home. .

Yellow-winged warbler has the ability to predict a big storm will hit their home.

In addition to predicting natural disasters, the yellow-winged warbler can alert us to health problems much earlier than we know of symptoms.

With a strange sense of smell, dogs are also one of the animals with the ability to recognize diseases. It has been trained to sniff out cancer. In 2011, dogs used in a Japanese study were able to sniff out colorectal cancer from breath samples with an accuracy rate of up to 98%.

This is truly an extraordinary ability and can save the lives of hundreds of cancer victims by detecting the disease early for prompt treatment.

2. The ability to “transform” in a flash

Surely people still think that the ability to change shape is only in fiction movies, but in the animal kingdom, the “mimic octopus” can completely do the seemingly impossible.

This species of octopus was discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Although all species of octopus have the ability to change skin color, the “mimicking octopus” has one more important step forward. That is, they can completely transform their body as well as their appearance to become another animal. Not only do they change in appearance, they can also perfectly imitate the habits and movements of the object that it is “faking”.

Surely people still think that the ability to change shape is only in fiction movies, but in the animal kingdom, the “mimic octopus” can completely do the seemingly impossible.

3. “God’s eyes” in nature

Humans typically have a range of vision between 50-60 degrees horizontally and 50-70 degrees vertically.

However, our vision is still not comparable to that of a chameleon.

This is one of two species known as “god’s eyes” in the natural world. They can cover everything within a 360-degree field of view. Explaining this, scientists say that chameleons have a very special eye implant, which allows them to rotate their eyes at a wide scale.

On the other hand, this animal also has the ability to switch between monocular to binocular vision quickly and easily. This allows their eyes to be able to look at two separate objects at the same time, or focus both eyes on one object (similar to how the human eye works).

Chameleons are known as the eyes of the gods in the natural world

4. The ability to regenerate the body

For humans, when a body part such as a leg or arm is unfortunately lost, then we can only rely on medical advances to recover. But a rare fish called the “Axolotl water salamander” or Mexican iguana has the ability to regenerate its own body without the need for medical intervention.

This animal can regenerate any part of the body such as arms, legs, heart, spinal cord and even brain. Immune cells called macrophages are important factors that help them regenerate body parts.

A rare species of fish called the “Axolotl water salamander”, also known as the Mexican iguana, has the ability to regenerate itself without the need for medical intervention.

According to scientists, in most mammals, macrophages play a role in destroying pathogens and contributing to the recovery process. However, James Godwin – a regenerative researcher observed how the cells function in salamanders, then he was surprised to discover that anti-inflammatory factors are already present in the body. their bodies.

He also found that the maximum number of macrophage cells was present in the Mexican salamander’s wound for a period of four to six days after it was injured. Thanks to that, their wounds heal very quickly. However, no matter how powerful that ability is, it cannot prevent this salamander species from gradually becoming extinct, but the culprit is none other than humans.

5. Immortality

For decades, scientists have worked hard in the hope of finding a way to achieve immortality. In fact, scientist Aubrey de Gray (he is the leader of a scientific research program called “Strategies to stop the aging process”) thinks that within the next 25 years, immortality may be possible. become reality.

With humans, we need a relatively long time to find a “magic” remedy to help prolong life, but in the animal world, the jellyfish has the scientific name Turritopsis nutricula (the wild jellyfish). death) had that ability as part of its inherent life. So what secret helps those jellyfish have such special abilities?

With humans, we need a relatively long time to find a “magic” remedy to help prolong life, but in the animal world, the jellyfish has the scientific name Turritopsis nutricula. death) had that ability as part of its inherent life

Normally, an adult Turritopsis nutricula jellyfish is about 4.5 mm in size. They have the ability to continuously regenerate the entire body. Instead of losing, the jellyfish will mutate to return to the first steps of their life cycle by shrinking their bodies, retracting their tentacles and allowing themselves to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Once this happens, the jellyfish can begin the life cycle again. This strange phenomenon doesn’t just happen once, because they can repeat this process forever, never ending unless it falls into the case of being eaten by enemy species or affected by other symptoms. fatal disease. This ability is still a secret of nature and is being focused by scientists.

6. Excellent balance ability

The Alpine Ibex goat is a wild animal that lives mainly in the mountains of the Alps, where there are steep, craggy cliffs.

In addition to the mountains, this goat also likes to live on the slopes of hydroelectric dams. This animal has a very special ability, which is to be able to balance on an almost vertical cliff. They can live in very steep terrain with an altitude of even up to 4,600m without fear of falling. The reason this goat lives at such a high altitude is to hide and protect itself from dangerous predators.

In addition to that amazing ability, the Alpine Ibex mountain goat can jump up to 2 meters.

This animal has a very special ability, which is to be able to balance on an almost vertical cliff

7. The ability to run on water

The ability to run on water seems to only exist in movies, but in real life, the Basilisk lizard or the King lizard can completely do so. An adult lizard weighs about 200g. They will use their hind legs to push their bodies to glide across the water. The maximum distance they can travel on water is 5 meters before starting to sink.

A graduate student at Harvard University analyzed this special ability of lizards and discovered that the strides of lizards can be divided into three parts. They slam their feet on the water by moving vertically, then kick their feet back to create force, eventually they will pull their feet out of the water and return to the original position.

The ability to run on water seems to only exist in movies, but in real life, the Basilisk lizard or the god lizard can completely do so.

8. The ability to perceive different colors

Birds have the ability to see colors that humans cannot. Explaining this interesting thing, the researchers say that the cone cells in the retina of the bird are very sensitive to the frequencies of ultraviolet light. Reportedly, this discovery was discovered by accident in the early 1970s by a scientist who was studying the color recognition ability of pigeons.

Birds have the ability to see colors that humans cannot

With this discovery, scientists can gain more information about birds, such as how they choose mates. Birds’ ability to perceive UV light varies widely, which may explain why birds often choose their mates very carefully before making a final decision.

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