VICTORY FOR WOMEN: SCOTUS Strikes Down Biden-Harris’ Revision of Title IX

Woke liberals manipulate everything to impose DEI bullsh*t and accommodate the LGBTQ+++ agenda. Last April, the Biden-Harris regime announced that they broadened the coverage of Title IX, the 1972 law used to prevent gender discrimination, especially in programs that receive federal funding.

This expanded version of Title IX will force young girls to allow biological men into their locker rooms and allow boys into women’s sports teams.

But the Supreme Court reversed this.

On Friday, shut down the Biden-Harris regime’s attempt to force the people to allow such crap.
The SCOTUS rejected the request to allow the implementation of the rule in 10 states after the lower courts smacked down these demands.

In a 5-4 decision, the SCOTUS justices effectively reject the request to enforce portions of the updates on Title IX.

“All Members of the Court today accept that the plaintiffs were entitled to preliminary injunctive relief as to three provisions of the rule, including the central provision that newly defines sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity,” the justices remarked.

“On this limited record and in its emergency applications, the Government has not provided this Court a sufficient basis to disturb the lower courts’ interim conclusions that the three provisions found likely to be unlawful are intertwined with and affect other provisions of the rule,” the Court’s order states.

These supposed updates by the regime are set to go into effect on August 1 but more than two dozen Republican attorneys general countered the rule and pressed that it conflicts with current state laws disallowing trans students from entering women’s sports.

The Biden-Harris regime asserts that it does not affect athletic eligibility, but experts have proven otherwise.

This legal struggle that reached the SCOTUS involved two groups of states battling the expanded law.

Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill, who led the four-state lawsuit, blasted the ruling and described it as federal overreach, undermining Title IX’s protection of female students and employees.

“Schools now have to change the way they behave and the way they speak, and whether they can have private spaces for little girls or women,” Murrill remarked as she announced their lawsuit. “It is enormously invasive, and it is much more than a suggestion; it is a mandate that well exceeds their statutory authority.”

Murrill acknowledged the SCOTUS ruling and said: “I’m grateful that the Supreme Court agreed not to block our injunction against this radical rewrite of Title IX. Other than the 19th Amendment guaranteeing our right to vote, Title IX has been the most successful law in history at ensuring equal opportunity for women in education at all levels and in collegiate athletics. This fight isn’t over, but I’ll keep fighting to block this radical agenda that eviscerates Title IX.”


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