SCOTUS Approves Arizona’s Proof-of-Citizenship For Voter Registration

The Democratic Party has long fought against the requirement of proof of citizenship as part of the voting requirement. Why? Because it would hinder their plans to rig the elections through undocumented immigrants that they allowed to trespass our borders.

However, the US Supreme Court delivered a massive slap on the liberals’ faces after it approved a monumental decision regarding election integrity.

In a 5-4 vote, the SCOTUS upheld the voting requirements set forth by the Arizona Law, handing a massive win in favor of the Republican National Committee and Arizona lawmakers Ben Toma, speaker of the House of Representatives, and Warren Petersen, the state Senate president.

The justices reinstated a portion of the election law that permits the state to decline voter registration forms from Arizona residents who fail to present proof of citizenship.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley hailed the decision and remarked, “This is a major victory for election integrity that upholds a simple principle: American elections must be decided by American citizens.”

“While Democrats have worked to undermine basic election safeguards and make it easier for non-citizens to vote, we have fought tooth and nail to preserve citizenship requirements, see the law enforced, and secure our elections.”

Arizona Senate GOP also recognized the ruling, with its State Senate President Peterson saying, “Our legal battle is far from over.”

“While we’re grateful SCOTUS recognized our state’s sovereignty by allowing our laws requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in Arizona be enforced, individuals who are living here illegally are still able to register on a federal form without providing proof of citizenship. They must only attest they are lawful citizens, then they are able to vote in the presidential and congressional races, as well as by mail, thus influencing the outcome of our elections. We will continue litigating this issue in the coming months with a goal of ensuring only legal U.S. citizens are casting a ballot.”

Arizona Senator Jake Hoffman added, “Every state legislature in America should follow Arizona’s lead & pass this into law immediately! I look forward to my common sense legislation being upheld in its entirety by the U.S. Supreme Court when it receives a full hearing before the Court. Today’s Supreme Court victory is a win for law-abiding Arizonans of all political affiliations, and a clear victory for the rule of law, common sense, and sanity.”

Hoffman also pressed that “Noncitizens should NOT be allowed to vote in our elections. Period.”

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