EXPLOSIVE ADMISSION: DOJ Inspector General Confess There Were FBI Informants in J6 Protest

How evil is the deep state and the Democratic Party? Over 1,500 lives of American civilians have been destroyed in an effort to present that Donald Trump and his supporters attempted to interfere with the elections and ultimately obliterate the MAGA leader.

However, continued investigations led by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government will reveal that all this was just a frame-up, staged by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in cohorts with the deep state and Democrat higher-ups.

In a testimony by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Wednesday, a harrowing truth was exposed when he was grilled by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) who wanted answers regarding the depth of involvement of the federal authorities in the events that occurred that day.

Horowitz eventually admitted that numerous non-uniformed personnel were deployed and embedded in the crowd during the January 6, 2020 protest in the Capitol. However, he refused to answer specific details and insisted that this would be included in their “report.”

Despite the DOJ IG’s refusal to go into detail, it vindicates the assertion of the GOP regarding the role of federal agencies in the violence that had transpired on January 6.

Even Steven D’Antuono, former Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Washington Field Office, admitted that there were hundreds of FBI informants in the area that they lost track of the exact number.

In 2023, D’Antuono, in his testimony, remarked that due to the large number of informants present in the protest, they asked the FBI Headquarters to “do a poll or put out something to people” to have a rough count on the CHS presence in the area.

Meanwhile, Horowitz claimed that his review of the J6 protest was halted because of the ongoing investigations against individuals involved but had restarted his probe last year.

He further said that he would not go into details as their report was still in “draft form” and “had not gone through the classification review.”

“And so I need to be careful,” the DOJ IG claimed.

Ironically, the Justice Department is a lot more careful in making assertions that would endanger their interests but callously slap individuals with baseless charges.

When asked if the report would be available soon, he declared “In the next couple of months.”

“I doubt it would be done in time for the election,” Horowitz quipped.

He added that he hoped the report would be available for publication before the inauguration.

“The reason to do these reports, I think, is … not to make the same mistakes again. But we are just weeks away from an inauguration, and we’re four years, almost four years into this report,” the exasperated Kentucky lawmaker replied.

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