MUST WATCH: Bill Clinton Admits Kamala’s Border Failure

During a campaign stop in Georgia, former President Bill Clinton made a startling admission, inadvertently exposing Vice President Kamala Harris’s failure to secure the U.S. southern border. While intending to bolster Harris’s presidential bid, Clinton acknowledged that the brutal murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley “probably wouldn’t have happened” if migrants were properly vetted.

His remarks, rather than supporting Harris, highlighted the deadly consequences of her tenure as border czar, reigniting criticism of the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of illegal immigration.

Jose Ibarra, Riley’s alleged killer, was an illegal immigrant who entered the U.S. in 2022 during the Biden administration’s reckless dismantling of Trump-era border protections. Under Trump, the Remain in Mexico policy and strict asylum rules ensured that migrants with criminal backgrounds were kept out of the country. However, under Harris and Biden’s open-border agenda, Ibarra and countless others were released into the interior, unvetted and unchecked.

For years, Harris has tried to dodge responsibility for the border crisis, but Clinton’s comments have thrown her failures into the spotlight. His acknowledgment that Riley’s murder “probably wouldn’t have happened” under stricter immigration policies underscores the dangerous consequences of the administration’s soft-on-immigration stance. Clinton was supposedly there to praise Harris but instead delivered a stinging critique that Republicans have been making for years.

Clinton’s speech wasn’t just a political misstep; it was a brutal takedown of Harris’s entire campaign. He inadvertently echoed what many Americans already knew—Kamala Harris’s handling of the border has been nothing short of a disaster. Instead of securing our country, the Harris-Biden administration has let criminals slip through the cracks, endangering American lives in the process.

While Clinton tried to shift the blame to former President Donald Trump, claiming he killed a bipartisan border bill, the facts tell a different story. The bill he referenced wasn’t even introduced until after Riley’s death, long after the damage had been done by the Democrats’ open-border policies. Trump’s policies were clear: secure the border, vet migrants, and protect American lives. Yet, from the moment Biden and Harris took office, they dismantled every safeguard, and the consequences have been tragic.

Clinton’s attempt to blame traffickers and “smugglers making a lot of money” was another half-hearted effort to deflect blame. The truth is, that Commie Kamala was tasked with solving the border crisis, and she failed. Under her leadership, not only did illegal crossings skyrocket, but violent criminals like Ibarra were allowed to roam free, preying on innocent Americans like Riley.

This isn’t the first time a Democratic heavyweight has slipped up while trying to defend Harris. Just weeks ago, Barack Obama made similar headlines when he struggled to make a convincing case for her re-election. Now, with Clinton’s remarks, the Harris campaign is facing an even bigger crisis—one of their top figures just admitted that her border policies have had deadly consequences.

The murder of Laken Riley is not an isolated incident. Across the country, American families are paying the price for the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless border policies. While Harris continues to campaign for higher office, the blood of innocent Americans like Riley stains her record. Her failure to secure the border has led to countless tragedies, and yet, she refuses to take responsibility.

Clinton’s admission is a wake-up call, not just for the Harris campaign but for all Americans. The Democrats’ open-border policies have failed, and the consequences are deadly. Instead of listening to the will of the American people, Harris and her administration have put the interests of illegal immigrants and traffickers ahead of American citizens.

In his speech, Clinton also tried to argue that the U.S. needs more immigrants because “America isn’t having enough babies to keep our populations up.”

While there may be an economic case for legal immigration, no American wants an influx of unvetted migrants, especially when it means violent criminals can slip through the cracks. Clinton’s justification only adds insult to injury—Americans want security, not excuses.

The Harris campaign dragged the Democratic Party’s echelons in a desperate attempt to salvage her reputation, but they’ve done more harm than good. Instead of making a case for her leadership, Clinton’s comments have highlighted the dangerous consequences of her time in office. Americans want a leader who will secure the border and protect their families, not one who lets violent criminals into the country unchecked.

As the election approaches, voters have a clear choice. They can continue down the dangerous path of open borders, or they can choose a leader like Donald Trump, who put American security first.

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