Photographer Captured Finland’s Winter Beauty Under The Northern Lights


By. Anuradha

Finland occupies a special name among the most beautiful countries in the world. Surrounded by icy snow, unique vegetation and kind and hospitable people, the country is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. When looking deeply into its hidden beauty, there is no wonder why it is very famous and we also thought of sharing some pictures that portray the beauty of this country and the speciality of these pictures is that they show the beauty of Finland under the northern lights!

These pictures were taken by Tiina Tormanen who is also from this country. She has fallen in love with her beautiful country ever since she can remember, and she never lacks the motivation to capture this beauty through her lens. The Winter season is extra special because of its cold and snowy weather and Tormanen’s latest photoshoot captures the beauty of Finnish Lapland under the glory of its northern lights.

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Speaking of these pictures she said, “I think it’s nice to show people this silent beauty and to remind people how amazing this planet is, how much there is beauty in life itself.”

She was born in Lapland but moved to Helsinki for her job, but circumstances compelled her to reconsider her decision and in 2010 she came back to Lapland.

“You know when you are born and raised somewhere your surroundings are normal and you don’t even think about them, you just take it all for granted. But after spending 15 years in the Southern cities, I saw the North in a different light and was even more blown away about the beauty of what we have here. It has been a long journey, but once you follow your passion it will lead you somewhere beautiful in the end”.

So, if you enjoyed the beauty of her shots and you might be pretty amazed to see how the human world can appear this beautiful! It looks like a fairyland and of course, we are not going to tell much. Scroll down and enjoy the beauty with your own eyes and don’t forget to let us know what you think about these shots!


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