20 years of solitude: the story of the MiG factory cats that were left when everyone left

Not far from the Dynamo metro station, 133 buildings of the MiG aircraft plant are located on a vast territory. For many years, only employees could get to the secure enterprise, but recently 60 hectares of land of the former industrial giant were sold. Soon everything will be demolished here.

Cats of the MiG factoryMiG Cats source: Depositphotos

There are almost no human footprints on the wide roads – only small, cat footprints. The cats that have lived here for decades don’t want to leave the house, but they still have to.

Historical reference

In 1909, the first airplane was assembled in a factory famous for bicycles and cars. It was necessary to conduct tests, and four hangars were built near the Khodynka field. Today the territory of the plant is like an open-air museum. It was in these workshops in the fall of 1941 that they arrived from the front to repair the machine and went back from here. Here, under the huge glass domes, the famous MiG-15 and MiG-21, MiG-29 gathered.

How cats appeared at the factory

Cats of the MiG factoryMiG Cats source: Depositphotos

Cats in the history of the domestic aviation industry have been assigned a special role. They say that during the war years there was a “cat plan” on the MiG. Animals were specially brought to the enterprise, which prevented mice and rats from destroying the insides of aircraft – nibbling cables, making nests in technological units and motors.

Gradually, each workshop formed its own pride – the cats were well fed, loved and pampered as best they could. In the post-war years, there was even a tradition of distributing cat treats to the guests of the plant so that as many people as possible could enjoy feeding local pets.

Cats of the MiG factoryMiG Cats source: Depositphotos

For a long time, cats felt like full-fledged owners, walked along the pear alleys, entered the production buildings without fear, were welcome guests in the plant management and canteens. Special “Migov” breeds were bred – black smooth cats with emerald eyes, red ones with honey, striped ones with a special arrangement of the pattern.

Cats of the MiG factoryMiG Cats source: Depositphotos

In the 90s, the fate of industrial giants turned out to be vague, and the legendary MiG also suffered a lot. The last aircraft was assembled here in 2017, production was gradually transferred to other cities, the workshops were empty. Cats without people grew wild, got sick from cold and malnutrition and died so quickly that 2 years was considered a very respectable age. Old-timers say that at night, hungry animals often gathered near the main entrance and cried. If they were lucky, they were given frozen chicken necks.

MiG cats are a small staunch army, whose strength is almost running out after 20 years of loneliness. But often salvation comes when you no longer expect anything.

Salvation as it is

Cats of the MiG factoryMiG Cats (source: Depositphotos)

At the end of last year, volunteers accidentally learned that about 150 cats remained on the former MiG territory, which is about to begin to be built up.

On December 17, an evacuation operation began, and at the time of publication, 167 animals had already been caught and taken to clinics. Almost all of them have malnutrition, feline infections , anemia. More than 40 cats have already found a home, 8 have died from diseases, the rest have been spayed , treated, socialized and are looking for a home for them.

Cats of the MiG factoryMiG Cats (source: Depositphotos)

Donations from groups on social networks and personal funds of volunteers go to save the cats. This is a unique project for the country – it is the first time that such a number of animals are saved by the efforts of enthusiasts alone. Below is a gallery of those who have already been lucky enough to fall into the hands of catchers and who are now looking for a new home. Information on how to pick up cats is indicated in the description under the photo. Take a closer look, maybe your furry love is waiting for you!

Chinchilla is a cozy cheeky beauty, Right Paw's sister. She is still a little afraid of the hand, but sometimes, after much persuasion, she lets her beautiful cheeks be scratched. Caught in December when it was -20 outside. Chinchilla and her sister Right Paw were not saved from frost by

Chinchilla is a cozy cheeky beauty, Right Paw’s sister. She is still a little afraid of the hand, but sometimes, after much persuasion, she lets her beautiful cheeks be scratched. Caught in December when it was -20 outside. Even a luxurious fur coat did not save Chinchilla and her sister Right Paw from the cold, but they wanted to eat so much that they ran as fast as they could into the bowler hat for the captivating spider spirit. Just like her sister, Chinchilla is attached to one cat (or together with a relative) due to leukemia. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

Right Paw is Chinchilla's sister, an incredibly smart cat. She looks as if she communicates by telepathy. They named her so because of the sore on the foot, from which there was no trace. She also loves to eat - the way to her heart lies through delicious pouches, pashtRight Paw is Chinchilla’s sister, an incredibly smart cat. She looks as if she communicates by telepathy. They named her so because of the sore on the foot, from which there was no trace. She also loves to eat very much – the way to her heart lies through delicious pouches, pates and sweets. Due to VLK, Right Lapka can be taken as one cat in the family, and together with her sister Chinchilla. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

Despite such an ominous name, our Dracula is a big, soft and plush handsome red-haired man with bright red stripes, with the so-called marble color. You can't take your eyes off this handsome man! Dracula is a young cat, he is about 1.5 years old. He coDespite such an ominous name, our Dracula is a big, soft and plush handsome red-haired man with bright red stripes, with the so-called marble color. You can’t take your eyes off this handsome man! Dracula is a young cat, he is about 1.5 years old. He does not live surrounded by people for very long, and still does not fully trust them, but he is talkative and loves to sing songs. Like the rest of the cats with FLC, we attach him as one cat to the family or to cats with the same diagnosis. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

Bead is still a teenager, she is about 8 months old. In all her short cat life in an abandoned factory, Businka saw little good - constant cold, hunger, attacks from other cats. According to the analysis, Businka has feline coronavirus gastroenteritis, whichBead is still a teenager, she is about 8 months old. In all her short cat life in an abandoned factory, Businka saw little good – constant cold, hunger, attacks from other cats. According to the analysis, Businka has feline coronavirus gastroenteritis, which is in no way connected with the human one and is not at all dangerous for people and other animals. Busya is still a coward and is afraid of people, but she gets along well with her relatives, so we are looking for patient mompas for her. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

Tricolor Muska is the mother-heroine, the foremother of many Migov cats rescued by us. She is calm, but cautious, prefers not to participate in general parties, but to observe from the sidelines. Well, yes, it’s somehow not serious for such a respectable lady to frolic like mTricolor Muska is the mother-heroine, the foremother of many Migov cats rescued by us. She is calm, but cautious, prefers not to participate in general parties, but to observe from the sidelines. Well, yes, it’s somehow not serious for such a respectable lady to frolic like youngsters! Muska has leukemia, but she will be happy to live as one cat in the family. We are looking for a caring and patient family for her – she suffered so much at the factory, now she really needs peace and love. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

Tsesna is an unearthly beauty cat with sky-blue eyes and an unusual coloration. She was caught right after the New Year holidays - she probably got cold and hungry during the New Year holidays and, having lost her caution for a while, fell into the bowler. Tsesna - withTsesna is an unearthly beauty cat with sky-blue eyes and an unusual coloration. She was caught right after the New Year holidays – she probably got cold and hungry during the New Year holidays and, having lost her caution for a while, fell into the bowler. Tsesna is a very young cat, she is a little over a year old. She may become a beloved family member, the only cat, or in the neighborhood of cats with leukemia. Curator: +79175703011, Ekaterina.

Charlotte is a luxurious smoky beauty. At first she was very shy, but now she is a tame, or rather “knee-kneeed” cat. Charlotte loves stretching and doing poses similar to yoga asanas, for which she was nicknamed a yogi. She likes toys, she enjoys ohCharlotte is a luxurious smoky beauty. At first she was very shy, but now she is a tame, or rather “knee-kneeed” cat. Charlotte loves stretching and doing poses similar to yoga asanas, for which she was nicknamed a yogi. She likes toys, she enjoys hunting mice and teasers, so there will be no problems with animation at home. Charlotte is a carrier of FLC with low titers, we attach one cat per family or to cats with the same diagnosis. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

The beautiful Angelusha with the appropriate appearance is actually a boyak, but for more than a month of life at overexposure she got used to a person, she already eats and drinks in his presence. But the luxurious sand-colored Osya is already completely liberated - he plays with bells onThe beautiful Angelusha with the appropriate appearance is actually a boyak, but for more than a month of life at overexposure she got used to a person, she already eats and drinks in his presence. But the luxurious sand-colored Osya is already completely liberated – he plays with bells on the house and sleeps imposingly in a couch. Angelusha is looking for patient parents who are ready for the fact that they will have to talk with her and gain trust. And Osenka is already ready to be an impudent red-haired pet. Both have FLC, they are attached as one cat per family or to cats with the same diagnosis. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

Evening is a young cat, no older than 1.5 years. There are no infections, calcivirosis is treated. Sterilized, vaccinated soon. He is very friendly with people and cats, but sometimes he is shy and cautious. In general, ironing and purring. Branded "Migovskaya" coloring. AboutEvening is a young cat, no older than 1.5 years. There are no infections, calcivirosis is treated. Sterilized, vaccinated soon. He is very friendly with people and cats, but sometimes he is shy and cautious. In general, ironing and purring. Branded “Migovskaya” coloring. He has a wonderful, strong countertenor, can solo and sing in the choir! Healthy. Curator: +7(917)570-30-11, Ekaterina.

Source credit: https://pets.mail.ru/stories/

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