[REVIEW] A Paternity Court Episode That Will Keep You On The Edge Of Your Seat | Paternity Court

In this episode, the case revolves around Mr. Thomas and Ms. Zachary. Mr. Thomas claims he has been petitioning the court for a DNA test for his 15-month-old daughter for over a year. The court will decide whether to grant the DNA test. Ms. Zachary claims Mr. Thomas is the father of her daughter and it is time for him to take responsibility. Mr. Thomas recently learned he will be put on child support and is upset about it. Ms. Zachary disputes his claim that he did not know about the child support, stating that he knew and she received assistance from Child Support.

Mr. Thomas states, “I have been petitioning the court for a DNA test for my 15-month-old daughter for over a year. I recently learned I will be put on child support and I am upset about it.” Ms. Zachary responds, “Mr. Thomas is the father of my daughter and it is time for him to take responsibility. He knew about the child support, and I received assistance from Child Support.”

The episode also discusses their separation and reconciliation timeline. The speaker recounts buying multiple pregnancy tests and discovering they were pregnant on September 18th. They handed the doctor’s paperwork to someone but did not receive any paperwork themselves. The speaker believed the pregnancy was three to five weeks along and thought it was likely their baby since they had gotten back together with the mother in August. They noticed the mother’s growing belly and suspected she was carrying twins. The speaker explains that they were unaware they were carrying twins and only found out during a doctor’s appointment. The doctor advised them to stop smoking cigarettes, but the speaker did not see the paperwork indicating the number of weeks they were pregnant. The speaker believed their partner was around nine weeks pregnant at the time. However, they later realized that their partner had lied about the situation.

The speaker then mentions going through someone’s phone and finding a text message that was not from them. The rest of the kids inform the speaker that Hannah’s dad was present, but the speaker questions where they came from. The speaker is discussing a situation involving someone named Hannah’s dad. They mention that Mr. Thomas went through their phone and found something incriminating. The speaker denies having a person logged into their contacts as “Hannah’s dad.” The text message conversations are shown as evidence, but the speaker claims they cannot see the number listed. The speaker also mentions having two different phone numbers.

The speaker believes that the situation has caused relationship problems and denies denying Hannah. They also mention that their family is unaware of the situation. The speaker is discussing their relationship with their daughter and their love for her. They express uncertainty about whether their daughter is biologically theirs, but emphasize that they have raised her from the beginning and will continue to do so. The speaker is anxious about the results that will determine their biological connection, as they love their daughter as if she were their own. The speaker expresses their emotional distress over the potential loss of their family and children. They apologize for their emotions but emphasize the importance of their family.

The judge orders a DNA test and asks the individuals to submit to the testing. The court adjourns and reconvenes later for the results. The speaker already has their mind made up and wants to say that they made mistakes and never meant to hurt anyone. They are nervous and scared and just want the person to be their dad. The results of a DNA test show that the person is indeed the father. The judge is happy for them and encourages them to create a strong family bond for the sake of their children. The court is adjourned and the person thanks the judge.

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