Biden-Harris Legacy: 818,000 Fewer Jobs Than Claimed

The Biden-Harris regime lies and cheats not only in elections but also in economic data. Contrary to their earlier report in March, the incompetent tandem only created 818,000 jobs, a massive discrepancy with the 2.9 million jobs they claimed.

The Raging Patriots co-founder, Nicholas Pagnotta, torched the liberals for blatantly lying.

“When it comes to being full of shit, nobody does it better than the Democrat Party and their puppets in the fake mainstream media,” Pagnotta quipped.

“If you watched any of the shit show known as the DNC you would hear them pretending to care about border security, tax cuts, tough-on-crime positions when they do the exact opposite when you aren’t watching,” he continued.

“They always lie,’ the Raging Patriot’s co-founder stressed

These numbers do not shock anyone as the Democrats are good at twisting numbers, as they did with the 2020 election.

In reality, the Bidenomics created 31.2% fewer jobs than they reported.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the largest markdown in the US job market since 2009 last Wednesday.

This report means that during the 12 months that concluded in March, the actual jobs created monthly were only 174,000, rather than the 242,000 that the White House earlier propagated. In actuality, the numbers fell short by about 68,000.

Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial, remarked: “The labor market appears weaker than originally reported.”

“A deteriorating labor market will allow the Fed to highlight both sides of the dual mandate and investors should expect the Fed to prepare markets for a cut at the September meeting.”

“If the labor market started to deteriorate sooner than 2024, I think there’s a case that the Fed could indeed cut by 50 basis points in September,” Roach told POLITICO.

These revisions will also convince the Fed to “pull forward plans to reduce interest rates,” said Bill Adams, chief economist at Comerica Bank.

“The June dot plot, which showed most FOMC members thought only one or two quarter percentage point cuts would likely be appropriate by year-end, looks quite stale after this release.”

Many investors believed the Fed would begin cutting rates by the next meeting, September 18.

At least 67 percent believe the Fed will implement a standard 25-basis point reduction, while 32.5% predict a bigger half-point cut.

For President Donald Trump the previous monthly figures were fraudulent, calling it a ‘disaster.’

“There has been a report that the job numbers over the last period of time were fraudulent,” the former president blasted during his speech in Michigan last Tuesday.

“That’s a terrible insult to our economy because we were seeing numbers that were OK, but not great, now we’re seeing numbers that — when they’re adjusted — are a disaster.”

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