Dems Abandons Biden Family, Won’t Pardon Hunter

The entire Democratic Party abandoned the corrupt Biden family and threw them under the bus. Crooked Joe Biden was sent into exile into some faraway state, with evil liberals willingly sending crackhead Hunter to jail.

Hunter Biden, who was found guilty of illegally purchasing a gun in Delaware while actively using illicit drugs, could be imprisoned for 17 years, and his party isn’t interested in bailing him out, even his father.

Lawmakers who attended the 2024 Democratic National Convention exclaimed that they are certain that Cackling Kamala won’t pardon or commute Hunter’s sentence.

While speculation still looms that former President Donald Trump could help Hunter as a gesture of unity and ultimately slam the libs for betraying their own if he succeeds in reclaiming the Oval Office.

Former Trump adviser David Urban suggests that Trump could release a statement that if “Hunter Biden commits to a program of sobriety, inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up, keeps his sobriety, I’ll pardon him.”

“It would be a magnanimous offer on his part, shows humanity and, and really flip the tables on the Democrats.”

The sentencing of the president’s son is scheduled a week after the election. Aside from that, his trial on a tax evasion case in California will push through in September.

DNC delegates, lawmakers, and supporters refuse to comment on the first son’s lawsuits, while some even remarked that raising such a subject was disrespectful to creepy Joe.

Still, some brave few who go against the orders of elite Democrats to remain mum had rejected the notion that Lying Kamala would help Hunter.

“No, no, that’s Trump politics. He’s the one who pardons his family members and his political party,” quipped Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland)

Raskin refused to address the issue and went on a full attack against the Republican presidential nominee.

“Democrats don’t do that,” the Maryland representative said.

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-New York) dismissed the idea that Hunter Biden’s pardon is being raised in public discourse.

“I don’t know whether there’s talk of Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden has acknowledged his problems. He’s being held accountable by the Department of Justice, and he’s a private citizen who operates independently from his father,” then flipped the discussion to the GOP’s ongoing probe against Harris.

“What we are seeing is more improper and inappropriate,” Goldman remarked.

“Politicized investigations targeting the new Democratic ticket and using the official resources and authority of Congress purely for electoral reasons, which is a violation of congressional rules.”

Goldman’s remark is hypocritical as the Biden-Harris regime mobilized the entire sources of the government to neutralize its primary rival, Trump.

Hunter caught the attention early this week when he was photographed with his father backstage before the ‘transition’ president delivered his swan speech at the DNC on Monday night.

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