Dog Owner Creates Fun Illustrations With His Bull Terrier


By: Anuradha

Can you imagine the feeling that a person will get when he happened to face a divorce? And when his wife left him nothing but a dog? Well yes, now you may say he would be totally desperate and sometimes will get into drinks, women or drugs and will end up in a total frustration.

Yeah, that is what naturally happens all over the world and that is the common destiny of many people who accept the defeat without any objection. They will be totally miserable and will try their best to ruin their lives.

But if this happened to a person who challenge the challenges and who think differently about everything, the result will not be like this. Such a person will find a mean to make himself better even by using his dog and this is such a story about a man who thinks differently.

When Rafael Mantesso happened to divorce his ex-wife, she left him leaving only a white empty house with a dog. He wrote that “She took her cookware, furniture, photos, her decorations and the only thing she didn’t take was my bull terrier, whom she’d named after her favourite shoe designer: Jimmy Choo”.

In this quite white background and with his solitude, he was inspired by the blank walls and his dog and he started to draw various illustrations of the dog in the white empty walls. Soon he realized that Jimmy’s pictures are something and that is how this humorous series was born.

“When Jimmy collapsed in happy exhaustion next to the white wall, I grabbed a marker and drew a new world around his ginger-eared pup. Suddenly, I felt his long-dormant inspiration for drawing, for art, for life-returning.”

His illustrations of the bull terrier in fun scenarios have now won almost 600k fans on Instagram and you will also see how creative and funny he is in them. so scroll down to have a look of them!

More info: Instagram |

#1. The different of thinking.

#2. Shark.

#3. I am a unicorn.

#4. Ohhh.

#5. Hot dog.

#6. Brushing my teeth.

#7. I look good.

#8. I am superman.

#9. New friends.

#10. Yes.

#11. Upside down.

#12. I am flying.

#13. I am a bull.

#14. Sexy me.

#15. I am in trouble.

#16. Ohh nothing to eat.

#17. Yeah donuts.

#18. Friends forever.

#19. Hellow little fella.

#20. Scooby dooby doo where are you?

#21. I am flying.

#22. Against the wall, both of you guys.

#23. Dance with me.

#24. I know I look like a rabit.

#25. I am a gentleman.

#26. Lets take a selfie.

#27. New style baby.

#28. I am a lion.


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