Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp ‘All In’ for Donald Trump

The thing about Donald Trump that stupid democrats will never understand is that he won’t take any bullsh*t, not from anybody,  even if it’s the leader of Iran or just Georgia governor Brian Kemp, who flatly handed the 2020 elections to corrupt democrats, despite obvious election fraud.

For context, Kemp was among the uni-party neocons like George Bush, John Boehner, and Mitch McConnell, who sold their souls to the swamp billionaire lobbyists to fatten their own pockets and bring back the Republican party to the old order. He is a World Economic Forum fanboy and loves China’s Xi Jinping.

A few days ago, election watchdog Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia presented their findings in a meeting held by the Georgia State Election Board, where they found at least 1.7 million ballot images missing from the 2020 election.

With this expose, the group forced the board to implement a new rule preserving voting machine memory cards, which contain ballot images, audit logs, etc.

All this election rigging happened under Kemp’s watch.

This is why Kemp will mobilize his machinery to ensure Trump’s victory despite his criticism of the governor’s inaction. Trump forced him to do his job, which is something the idiotic Biden-Kamala regime can never do.

In an event he attended on Friday, Kemp expressed his support for Trump.

A lot of distractions, which, in my opinion, is not what we need to be doing right now in the presidential campaign or on any of the campaigns that we’re running in the state of Georgia to keep our majorities in the [U.S.] House and in the Senate,” Kemp said.

“And so, you know, despite all of that noise, my position has not changed.”

Before this, Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News’s Hannity on Thursday that the Georgia governor is ready to support the former president against Cackling Kamala Harris.

“When [Kemp] spoke, the first thing out of his mouth, he looked at everybody in the room and said, ‘I want Donald Trump to win Georgia. I’m all in for Donald Trump. I’m going to give him my political machine,’” Graham recalled Kemp’s speech at a fundraiser they both attended.

“I’ve got a great ground game, Imma put money behind it, and we’re going to win Georgia for Trump because Harris is a disaster for Georgia,” the South Carolina senator furthered.

According to FiveThirtyEight’s polling record, the Republican nominee maintains a narrow lead against Lying Kamala in Georgia.

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