When Ralph the dog was found by rescuers, he was in such bad shape they wondered if it would be kinder to let him go. Instead, they didn’t give up and the dog didn’t either.
Dog rescue isn’t for the faint of heart. Every day, dogs like Ralph are found abandoned on roadsides, pitched out of cars out in the country, and the lucky ones are dumped at shelters, so they don’t slowly starve to death.

The people who save these animals are true heroes who put their heart and soul into saving dogs. The situation of some dogs is especially heartbreaking, and Ralph was one of these dogs. His rescuers who have seen it all even wondered if they could help.
Ralph was abandoned and like so many homeless dogs, was very emaciated. He was starved, dehydrated, had mange, and covered in parasites. His situation looked so bleak, that his rescuers, Sidewalk Specials, pondered if it would be better to humanely euthanize him.

The dog was wavering between life and death, and no one knew if he’d make it. It could have gone either way, but they decided that they had to give him a second chance and would do their best to try to save his life.
Breath after breath, Ralph fought for his life and his rescuers fought alongside him. The determined dog wasn’t ready to give up and if he kept pushing, the people caring for him would push harder.

It is painful to see Ralph in such a heartbreaking condition. He was nothing but skin and bones. How he could have been neglected to that point is unfathomable for dog lovers. Thankfully, his team of vets and the rescue knew how to take care of him despite the odds being against him.
Amazingly, Ralph not only survived, but he also thrived. His will to live was stronger than the pull of death and he overcame all his health challenges and blossomed into a beautiful, happy dog. Just looking at him, you’d never guess what bad shape he was once in.

Today he has a family who loves him and even a dog friend. His story is one of great survival and can teach us all something about not giving up. We hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to share with your friends.