MASSIVE VICTORY: Votes Cast Must Match Voter ID Numbers Says Georgia Election Board

Corrupt Democrats do not support efforts to protect elections — they criticize voter ID requirements, complain about verification efforts to check ballot authenticity, and most of all, don’t mind if mail-in ballots were counted even if they arrived days past the election date. Why? Because all these allow them to cheat.

In a recent report by the New York Times, the left-leaning publication noted that due to Georgia’s recent election integrity protocols, Democrats might lose the election or one way of saying that they won’t be able to cheat.

In a 3-2 vote, the Georgia Election Board ruled in favor of the appeal for election workers to check the total number of ballots cast with the number of unique voter ID numbers in the system.

This effort will ensure that all votes in the system are legitimate and will expose discrepancies before election results are certified.

According to the new ruling, if there are errors in any voting precinct – the number of ballots does not match the number of unique voter IDs – the counties will put off certification until the fraud is investigated and resolved.

The rule stipulates the following:

Tabulating Results: After each election, but no later than 3 PM on the Friday following the election, the Election Board must review precinct returns, including tabulating all absentee ballots, advance voting, Election Day in-person voting, and provisional ballots. Furthermore, the number of unique voter IDs will then be compared with the total votes cast in each precinct.

Investigating Discrepancies: In instances where the number of ballots cast surpasses the number of unique voter IDs, the Board is required to determine which voting method the discrepancy originated from and conduct a thorough investigation. Votes from the affected precinct will not be considered until there is investigation and the results are presented to the Board, as mandated by GA Code § 21-2-493(b).

Certification of Results: Once all precinct discrepancies have been investigated and corrected, the accurate returns will be recorded and verified. Only then will the consolidated returns be certified by the superintendent, with the certification deadline set at 5:00 PM on the Monday following the election. The certified returns must then be immediately transmitted to the Secretary of State.

Board members are also allowed to examine all election-related documents before certifying election results to ensure that possible fraud is prevented and addressed.

For Trump’s spokeswoman, Liz Harrington, the new rule will overhaul how precincts handle election returns.

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