MUST SEE: Barstool’s Dave Portnoy SLAMS Kamala Harris

In an explosive six-minute tirade posted to social media on Sunday, Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy unleashed a barrage of criticisms against Vice President Kamala Harris, calling her “the worst candidate to ever run for president.” The media mogul, who has never shied away from speaking his mind, ripped into Harris’s record, slamming her leadership as a disaster on both domestic and international fronts.

“I can’t take it anymore,” Portnoy began. “Kamala Harris is a complete failure, and the idea that the Left is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking she’s some kind of historic, groundbreaking candidate is insane. Look at what’s happened under her and Biden—everything is worse!”

Portnoy pointed to the catastrophe in Afghanistan, ongoing chaos in the Middle East, and the Biden administration’s inability to stand up to Russia as just a few examples of Harris’s incompetence. “Afghanistan was a disaster, the Middle East is basically in flames, you got Russia walking all over us,” he said. “And where’s Harris? She’s on talk shows, laughing about things while the world is burning.”

His critique didn’t stop there. Portnoy, who sold his media company Barstool Sports for $551 million before acquiring it back for $1, riled Harris’s failures on the home front. “Inflation’s out of control, crime is skyrocketing, American flags burned in the streets, and the border is a complete mess. What is she doing? Nothing,” he blasted. “Law and order doesn’t even seem to matter anymore. We’ve got illegal immigration out of control, and they’re talking about turning the page? We need a total reset, not more of this!”

Portnoy expressed outrage over what he saw as the media coddling Harris by giving her softball interviews and shielding her from real scrutiny. “She’s out there on shows like ‘The View’ and ‘The Late Show with Colbert,’ and what do they ask her? Nothing tough. They lob her the easiest, softest questions, and she still can’t answer them,” Portnoy said, shaking his head. “How is this woman supposed to handle tough negotiations on the world stage if she can’t even handle a basic question on a talk show?”

One of Portnoy’s biggest frustrations is Harris’s ongoing attempt to rebrand herself as a “candidate for change.” “Are you kidding me? She’s been in the White House for four years! What change? She’s part of the problem!” Portnoy fumed. “This is the sitting Vice President of the United States telling people she’s the candidate for change. That’s because even she knows the Biden-Harris administration has been an absolute disaster.”

Portnoy threw his support behind Donald Trump after Nikki Haley dropped out of the race, and said the 2024 election is clear-cut. “There are only two types of voters in this election: those who are voting for Trump, and those who are voting against him,” Portnoy declared. “Harris is irrelevant. People voting for her aren’t voting because they support her—they’d vote for a head of lettuce over Trump if they could.”

He saved some of his harshest words for Harris’s abysmal 2020 campaign. “Let’s not forget, Kamala Harris ran for president before, and she didn’t even make it to the primaries. She dropped out because no one wanted her,” Portnoy reminded his followers. “She didn’t get a single vote. Now, we’re supposed to believe she’s a viable candidate for the highest office in the land. Give me a break.”

Portnoy’s frustrations extended to Harris’s failure to deliver clear, concise answers, even when given the easiest questions. “She’s asked how her presidency differs from Biden’s, and she just can’t answer it. She stumbles, she laughs, and she dodges. It’s embarrassing,” he said. “Kamala Harris can’t even give a straight answer to the simplest questions, and we’re supposed to trust her to lead the country?”

The media entrepreneur, often known as “El Presidente,” didn’t mince words when discussing the impact of Harris’s leadership on America’s standing in the world. “It’s terrifying to think of her representing us internationally. She can’t string together a coherent thought in an interview. How do you think she will stand up to world leaders who don’t care about softballs? This administration is making us a laughingstock.”

Portnoy also made it clear that his issue with Harris isn’t just political but personal, in terms of leadership. “It’s scary. She’s laughing, dancing around real issues, and we’re supposed to feel confident in her ability to lead. I don’t think so,” he asserted. “We’re in the middle of a crisis—economically, socially, internationally—and she’s out here acting like it’s all a joke.”

Wrapping up his fiery critique, Portnoy warned Americans about the consequences of electing Harris in 2024. “If Kamala Harris wins, we’re looking at four more years of incompetence. I don’t know how anyone can think that’s acceptable after the disaster we’ve been through.”

With less than a month until Election Day, Portnoy’s no-holds-barred takedown of Harris resonates with many Americans fed up with what they see as a failed administration. For Portnoy, the message is clear: Harris is not the answer. “She’s the worst candidate to ever run for president, ever,” he said in closing. “And I’m tired of pretending she’s not.”

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