MUST WATCH: University Of Kansas Professor Says All Men Who Vote For Trump Should Be “Lined Up And Shot”…

The radicalization of academia continues to rear its ugly head, this time with a shocking incident at the University of Kansas.

Professor Phillip Lowcock from the Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences has sparked outrage after a video surfaced of him suggesting that men who refuse to vote for a female president, specifically Kamala Harris, should be “lined up and shot.”

His exact words were, “There are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don’t think females are smart enough to be president. We can line all those guys up and shoot them. They clearly don’t understand the way the world works.”

The unhinged statement from Lowcock is more than just a careless comment. It reveals a deeper trend within the academic left to tolerate and even encourage violent rhetoric against those with conservative views. Lowcock’s shocking suggestion that men should be shot for their political beliefs raises serious concerns about the intellectual and moral decay plaguing higher education.

The casual call for violence exposes the hypocrisy of left-wing academics, who claim to champion tolerance while threatening physical harm to those who disagree with them.

Republicans have been quick to condemn Lowcock’s violent rhetoric.

Kansas Senator Roger Marshall, a proud University of Kansas alum, did not mince his words in demanding immediate action. “The University of Kansas must fire this professor immediately. Anyone who says that people who don’t vote for Kamala Harris should be ‘lined up and shot’ is completely deranged and shouldn’t be around students nor in academia,” Marshall said.

He further added that such behavior is unbecoming of an educator and that students deserve to learn in an environment free from extremist propaganda.

Senator Jerry Moran joined the condemnation, stating that such comments were “disturbing and inappropriate.” He emphasized the need for educational institutions to foster an environment of respectful discourse rather than hatred and violence. “It is beyond alarming that a professor would even suggest something as outrageous as shooting people for their political views,” Moran noted, calling on the University of Kansas to take swift and decisive action.

The University of Kansas has suspended Lowcock pending an investigation, but this is hardly an isolated incident. It seems that this type of violent rhetoric is becoming more acceptable among the radical left in academia.

Just recently, we’ve seen other educators and leftist public figures openly advocate violence against conservative voters, especially those who support President Trump. This dangerous trend is reflective of the broader moral collapse of the left, where civil discourse has been replaced with calls for violence and intimidation.

Lowcock’s comments are a stark reminder of the ever-growing divide in this country. The left claims to stand for inclusivity and tolerance, but incidents like this show that those values only apply to people who share their worldview. When it comes to conservative voices, especially Trump supporters, the gloves come off, and violence becomes a justifiable means to silence dissent.

This kind of rhetoric has real-world consequences. We’ve already witnessed the left’s escalating war on free speech and the growing hostility toward Trump voters. From violent protests to actual assaults on conservatives, the radical left is emboldened by the lack of accountability. Lowcock’s hateful remarks are simply another symptom of this larger problem, and unless universities and other institutions take firm action, we can expect more dangerous rhetoric to surface.

Lowcock’s unhinged tirade raises serious questions about the state of higher education in America. Are our universities still places where ideas can be freely exchanged, or have they become echo chambers for radical leftist propaganda?

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