PANIC IN DC: Trump Dominates Battleground States Says NYT/Siena College Poll

The dream of Americans to attain genuine change is coming into view, as indicated in the latest poll from the New York Times and Siena College, showing former President Donald Trump’s surge ahead of Commie Kamala in battleground states. The poll results reflect the sentiments of the majority of Americans rejecting the empty promises and destructive policies of the Biden-Harris regime.

Down in the Sun Belt, where America’s growth and prosperity is churning at its peak, President Trump leads Commie Kamala in Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina. These are the states where Senile Joe narrowly won in 2020. On a September 1-21 poll, President Trump holds a commanding 50% to 45% lead in Arizona, a pivotal swing state. He also has a solid 49% to 45% lead in Georgia while maintaining a close edge in North Carolina with a 49% lead against Kamala’s 47%.

The poll results are not just survey snapshots. Instead, they show the American people’s growing dissatisfaction with the direction this country is heading under leftist policies. Americans are fed up — with soaring inflation, rising crime rates, open borders, and failed foreign policy. The corrupt Biden-Harris regime is in stark contrast with President Trump’s term, marked with strength, prosperity, and respect on the world stage.

“People are waking up,” one Arizona voter said. “Under Trump, I saw real improvements in my life. With Biden, it’s been nothing but broken promises and higher costs.” This view is shared across the Sun Belt, where the key demographic of voters aged 45 and older are overwhelmingly supporting President Trump. Among those between 45 and 64 years of age, President Trump enjoys 58% support and 53% thumbs-up among senior citizens.

As expected, the survey had the leftist liberals hopping mad. Many of them dismiss the poll results as biased. However, the numbers don’t lie. Support for President Trump has increased by ten percentage points in Arizona compared to the previous poll. Likewise, there is a 4-point shift in North Carolina in favor of him. These are not irregularities. But a reflection of a swelling tide among Americans who want to make their country great again.

As the November elections draw near, America is getting done with Commie Kamala’s act. The same old Democrap formula of wokeism and empty promises is falling flat. The American public knows who brings in real progress, and the radical leftists are running scared. If there is any truth slapped in Kamala’s face, the New York Times/Siena survey exposed that President Trump is on a straight path to reclaiming the White House and giving the American people the change they want.

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