[REVIEW] Mother Admits to Denying Paternity to Spite Fiancé | Paternity Court

The episode revolves around a paternity dispute between Olivia Smith and Jerome Hopkins. Smith is petitioning the court to prove that Hopkins is the biological father of their two-year-old daughter, Camya. Hopkins, however, does not believe he is the father and says that if the results prove he is not, he wants Smith to repay him $2,500 in childcare expenses.

Smith believes Hopkins has doubts because of his meddling mother. Hopkins admits to having doubts because Smith has told him multiple times during arguments that Camya is not his child. Smith argues that she has thrown birthday parties for Camya and that she is his child. The conversation between Smith and Judge Lake reveals a legal dispute between Smith and the father of her child. Smith claims that she provided for her daughter and threw a party for her, but also acknowledges that the father has contributed.

In the heat of the argument, Smith admits, “Yes, I told him he wasn’t the father during our fights. But I was just angry.” Hopkins, on the other hand, states, “She’s told me multiple times that I’m not the father. How can I believe her now?”

The conversation then shifts to how the relationship started, with Smith meeting Hopkins through a mutual friend in Chicago. They had sex two weeks later and Smith claims he did things she had never experienced before. The conversation between the two reveals a relationship and the possibility of infidelity. The person being questioned admits to cheating and having doubts about the paternity of their child. They provide evidence from an ex-partner suggesting that the child may not be the other person’s. However, in court, the person testifies that they have no doubt that the other person is the child’s father.

Smith recalls, “We met through a mutual friend. We had sex two weeks later. He did things I had never experienced before.” This statement gives an insight into the beginning of their relationship and the intimacy they shared.

The conversation between multiple individuals in a courtroom reveals a man’s doubts about being the father of a child. The man believes he could be the father, but others question his doubts. The conversation also mentions a timeline and the woman involved in the situation. Judge Lake and Smith are discussing the length of a pregnancy, which is approximately 40 weeks. Judge Lake reminds Smith that based on the calendar, the possible father is not excluded.

Sherly Washup, the mother of Mr. Hopkins, is called as a witness. She claims to know a lot about the situation and reveals that the woman involved with Mr. Hopkins during the conception time was messing around with him. She heard this from a friend who saw them together at Applebee’s. However, Mr. Hopkins denies this and accuses Sherly of lying. Sherly confirms that she saw the woman wearing a specific outfit, but Mr. Hopkins argues that this only lends credibility to her testimony.

Smith expresses concern that the DNA test results could ruin her daughter’s relationship with the man she believes is her father. The speaker is expressing that it will be difficult to break away from the children, as they have been in their lives since they were young. They mention doubting the unborn child and express disbelief that the other person believes they should be paid $2,500. The speaker then provides a breakdown of expenses they have paid for, including daycare, shoes, a canopy bed, and a birthday party, totaling $2,577. They mention that they are not concerned about $77, but taking back the $2,500 will be difficult as they have a baby on the way.

The results of a DNA test conducted by DNA Diagnostics indicate that Mr. Hopkins is not Camya’s father. The conversation becomes emotional, with some individuals expressing apologies and others suggesting that Mr. Hopkins should apologize to Camya’s mother. The judge orders further testing, including a prenatal test for Ms. Smith, who is pregnant.

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