[REVIEW] Woman Tries To Get Daughter To Be Beneficiary Of Deceased Man | Paternity Court

This scientific article presents a comprehensive analysis of the court transcript from the case of Williams v. Potts-Carr, where the paternity of 2-year-old Makayla Brown is in question. Ms. Williams seeks to establish that her deceased partner, Mr. Marques Brown, is the father, while Ms. Potts and Ms. Carr express doubts and deny any familial resemblance. The court proceedings involve emotional testimonies and accusations, leading to the ultimate decision to conduct a DNA test to determine Makayla’s biological father.

The Williams v. Potts-Carr case centers around the paternity of Makayla Brown, whose potential father, Mr. Marques Brown, is deceased. Ms. Williams claims that Marques is the biological father and aims to secure social security death benefits for Makayla. However, Ms. Potts and Ms. Carr dispute this and demand a DNA test to ascertain the truth.

In the opening statements of the court proceedings, Judge Lake addresses the conflicting claims:

Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello, Jerome. This is the case of Williams v. Potts and Carr.”

The court transcript analysis involves scrutinizing the statements and testimonies given by Ms. Williams, Ms. Potts, and Ms. Carr during the proceedings. Specific sections of the dialogue were analyzed to understand the conflicting perspectives and emotions involved.

Ms. Williams, expressing her unwavering belief in Marques’s paternity, pleads her case:

Yes, Your Honor. I plan to file a claim asking that your daughter become the beneficiary of up to $153,000 in social security death benefits over the next 16 years because her potential father, Mr. Marques Brown, is now deceased.”

The court proceedings highlight the intense emotions and doubt surrounding Makayla’s paternity. Ms. Williams expresses her unwavering belief in Marques’s paternity, while Ms. Potts and Ms. Carr raise concerns about the baby’s appearance and challenge the validity of his name on the birth certificate.

Ms. Carr, expressing doubt and suspicion, testifies:

‘Throw her private part a party,’ is what she would quote-unquote say. Meaning she goes to different people’s houses, men, and has fun, and throw her private part a party. So how you know who your baby daddy is… Wait, wait, wait. But she was with your brother, why would you take her to a private parts party?”

The case highlights the significance of DNA testing in resolving paternity disputes and establishing legal and emotional connections between fathers and children. The emotional toll on all parties involved underscores the importance of conclusive evidence to provide closure and ensure a child’s well-being.

Ms. Potts, expressing her frustration and concerns, states:

If it’s another man running around in this world that is her father, why would I deprive my child of a dad? Why? To blame it on somebody that cannot help me take care of this child?”

In an emotional exchange, Ms. Carr explains her doubts about the child’s paternity and her attempt to seek the truth:

So I started out taking her to Compton, to this person’s house, where I would drop her off, and come back an hour-and-a-half later and pick her up, and she would bring the person outside… Well, she brought this person outside to say hello to me, crack a couple of jokes, a little sweaty, messed up, here messed up, and now it’s time to go… A couple of days later, I’m taking her to Manchester and McKinley, dropping her off, and picking her up. This person I never got the chance to meet, but it’s the man, obviously, because she had me drop her off, and in that time frame, within that hour-and-a-half, pick her back up. Then I take her here, to downtown, to her friend’s house, whom she spent most of her nights with, and I even let her use my bus pass to get back home with on several occasions from this location.”

The court acknowledges the complexity of the situation and its impact on all parties involved, especially the child. Ms. Williams insists on her certainty, while Ms. Potts and Ms. Carr seek validation through a DNA test.

Ms. Williams’ frustration about Ms. Carr’s doubts is evident:

She was staying at my house, and she asked me, she take her other boy to school and she asked me, ‘Can I watch Makayla?’ I never told her no. I never told her no.”

Throughout the proceedings, the court encourages open communication between the parties involved. Ms. Williams, despite her unwavering stance, agrees to the DNA test, expressing her desire for a resolution:

Your quote-unquote response was, ‘I’m not paying the other half,’ and I said, ‘Why not? The baby’s half yours.’ So you mean to tell me when I first came back from jail, you didn’t ask me if she can get a DNA test? I told her I would give her $100 on the DNA test. I told her I would pay the other $100 to do the DNA test. She wouldn’t do it.”

The DNA test emerges as the pivotal element in determining Makayla’s biological father. The court’s decision to proceed with the test brings both anxiety and hope for the parties involved.

Ms. Williams, despite her confident assertion, admits her troubled past and challenges faced:

I’ve been through a lot, Your Honor. I just hope stuff gets better; that’s all I could say. I hope we can build a better relationship with each other. I hope y’all love my kid like y’all love your kids, then everything will be all right.”

The Williams v. Potts-Carr case illustrates the complex nature of paternity disputes and the profound impact on all individuals involved, especially the child. The court’s decision to conduct the DNA test proves crucial in confirming Mr. Marques Brown as Makayla’s biological father, granting her rightful inheritance rights and establishing a potential relationship with her deceased father’s family. DNA testing emerges as a reliable tool in settling paternity conflicts, bringing clarity and resolution to challenging legal and emotional situations.

Through the court transcript analysis, it is evident that DNA testing is a vital resource in resolving paternity disputes and establishing legal and emotional connections between fathers and children. The emotions and tensions portrayed during the proceedings underscore the importance of conclusive evidence to provide closure and ensure the well-being of the child involved.

Despite the conflicts and uncertainties that arose during the trial, the court’s decision to conduct the DNA test brought resolution and clarity to the case, enabling Makayla to know the truth about her biological father. DNA testing remains an essential tool in resolving paternity disputes, ensuring justice and emotional well-being for all parties involved. The Williams v. Potts-Carr case serves as a poignant reminder of the value of truth, empathy, and understanding when dealing with sensitive matters of paternity.

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