21+ Stunning Photos From The National Geographic Instagram Photography Contest


By: Anuradha

The true beauty of nature is hidden from men’s eyes in most instances. If you need to enjoy the pure beauty around you then you must be patient and cautious. As most of do not have these characteristics, we have ended up becoming all but not photographers. Luckily, there are also humans who have dedicated their everything for this art and now we are going to show you some amazing pictures sent for National Geography photo contest.

National Geographic is famous in Instagram for brilliant photos that they upload and they are the first bran in Instagram who reached 100 million followers. Recently, they opened a photography contest using the hashtag #natgeo100contest. Within 24 hours, the magazine received more than 94,000 submissions and after much thought and effort, the judge board could select the 10 most stunning photos and they let their 10 million followers select the best phot0graph. So, scroll down to see the top ten pictures and some amazing photographs that were selected for the final round. Don’t forget to share the best among these!

#1. Grand prize winner – Ketan Khambhatta.

The photo was taken at the
Maasai National Reserve in Kenya by Muhammed Muheisen. It shows the way zebras
search for crocodiles while wildebeest run across the river. He won the Nat Geo
photo safari to Tanzania as the grand prize for this picture.

#2. Finalist – Adam Kiefer.

Matthieu Shamavu is a
national park ranger at Senkwekwe center, in the Democratic Republic of Congo
and the picture shows him enracing Matabishi, an orphaned juvenile mountain
gorilla. The photographer is Ami Vitale and he thinks that the picture shows
our complex bond with nature.

#3. Anuroop Krishnan.

A giraffe family at sunrise.

#4. Andre Musgrove.

The picture was taken from
above and it shows a beautiful view of a diver along with a starfish.

#5. Chaitanya Deshpande.

‘Here comes the sun’.

#6. Sebastian Nagy.

Always preferred the sight
of a single tower but there is another one right next.

#7. Brent Stirton.

The picture shows a sight
from the Tikki Hywood Trust; the world’s best pangolin caregivers. These men
helped to rescue traumatized pangolins and keep them safe from predators and
poachers. Pangolins are considered as the world’s most trafficked animal in the
illegal wildlife trade and they are extraordinary endangered. 

#8. Maxime Israel Collier.

Look at those eyes.

#9. Finalist Frank Haluska.

The photograph was taken by
Cory Richards and he says he had to zoom in to make sure another animal’s foot
is not sticking out of the water to save the fog.

#10. Yuri Choufour.

Black bears eat many foods
but salmons are one of their favorites and it helps them to hibernate in

#11. Majed Sultan Alza’abi.

Drinking time.

#12. Jacintha Verdegaal.

Spending time with a rescued

#13. Finalist Sandra Cattaneo Adorno.

The picture shows a day at
Ipanema beach, in Rio de Janeiro where the sea was unusually rough and the
undertow was strong. The photograph was taken by Michaela Skovranova and it highlights
an eclectic mix of light, human impact and the power of the environment.

#14. Nicholas Parker.

Another day in single digits
with a howling wind.

#15. Devon Fox.

The photo was taken in Page,
AZ during a road trip. These strange shapes have created a sea horse.

#16. Sebastian Scheichl.

A sheep in Faroes.

#17. Nicholas Parker.

After one of worst winter
storms in Hawaii, large pieces of coral were scattered throughout the beach.

#18. Finalist Francisco J. Perez.

A thunderstorm rolled over
the Grand Canyon.

#19. Finalist Matt Potenski.

Whale sharks coming closer
to a boat near-by.

#20. Finalist Chris O’bryan.

Galahs, a species of
Cockatoo scour the parched outback for water in Western Australia.

#21. Juan Quinteros.

Sharks in a sandstorm.

#22. Andri Laukas.

At new perspectives in
famous places.

#23. Shivam.

Madness between chaos and
having a dream.

#24. Ulla Lohmann.

Maunganui walks home. The
erupting Tavurvur volcano has destroyed the beauty of Rabaul town but people
wait till their beautiful paradise come to life. 

#25. Finalist Sara Stein.

Frantic momentum of
wildebeest crossing the Mara river in Tanzania.

#26. Ken Geiger.

Southern yellow-billed
hornbill snags a grasshopper for a snack.

#27. Caine Delacy.

A favorite shot.

#28. Finalist Khatia Nikabadze.

A pair of lambs staring out
of car window at a livestock market in Marneuli, Georgia.

#29. Finalist – Felix Simon.

Families glide on an Ice
rink in Brooklyn, New York.

#30. Arvind Patwal.

‘NAGA’ believes that the
twinkle in her eye may be the refection of her lost marbles.


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