Woman Captures London’s Most Beautiful Front Doors


By: Anuradha

Beauty has various shapes and meanings. You
will feel something to be quite beautiful even if it is something that many
would not notice and each of our definitions of beauty is different from one
another. However, the photographer Bella Foxwell has found beauty in some
uncommon thing and that is none other than doors.

She has been capturing the beauty of London indoors that many people walk past without paying attention. She is having an Instagram page titled The doors of London which feature a rainbow of facades that look like they are from a “Wes Anderson” Movie.

She wrote on her page that:

“I started this account about two and half years ago as a challenge. I’d spent the previous year building the accounts of big consumer brands and wanted to see if I could practice what I preached for myself. Since I was already obsessed with doors, it felt like a natural fit as my niche”.

Speaking further she explained the reasons
which made her be fascinated about doors.

“it’s partly that I admire people who put so much pride into their front door, particularly those that are very daring, with a strong shade of paint of extravagant door knocker and it is partly that doors are very symbolic. Whether it is because they represent new opportunities, or because they remind of home. There is something special about them”.

“Over time I have come to learn what engages people and what doesn’t and unsurprisingly the brighter, more colorful doors framed by foliage tend to perform better. That’s a long-winded way of saying that unless a front door has something unique about it-like my front door, which is very inspiring, I will give it miss”.

Foxwell’s collection has over 38k followers
and she says. “I usually do a little research into different locations first,
and then head there with my phone to have a wander and see what I can find. The
best feeling is when you stumble across a street full of gorgeous doors that
you never knew existed. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s very

So, scroll down to see how beautiful doors can look and maybe you can change your home in this way too!

More Info: The doors of London

1. I say it’s a stress release when I come home to this.

2. Surrounded by flowers is beautiful.

3. Welcome to Autumn.

4. One of my personal favorites.

5. Walking to a fairy tale.

6. Which door you choose to enter?

7. I probably find Sherlock inside.

8. Looks like a lovely place to enter and have a coffee.

9. I will be having my breakfast here for sure.

10. For the people who likes yellow.

11. I would love to sit on the step and just read a book or think.

12. I probably propose to my girl here.

13. You can pick a grape while entering the house or leaving.

14. You can choose the door that matches your mood to enter .

15. What a place to have a little chat.

16. Charm and lovely.

17. One of my personal favorites.

18. For me this looks professional.

19. I can spend hours reading a book on these steps.

20. It’s Christmas folks.

21. My kind of house. Wonder what inside looks like.


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